This year Elizabeth + her bunch hosted at their beautiful house in Draper. We, of course, popped in to see the Hayes folk too.
Thanksgiving as told by the phones:
Elizabeth was in charge of not only housing us, but making the ROLLS. My mom famously makes Christmas caramels but also rolls. So far no one can quite duplicate the caramels (I have rekindled my determination to master this after discussing the issues at length with my mom on a brisk morning walk). However, I am so happy to say Elizabeth can keep the rolls going on for the next generation. They were so delicious. |
I made this apple pie, which recipe I slurped from Smitten Kitchen. I made the same pie last year, which looked prettier (or cleaner) than this but tasted worse. Last year the crust was too thick, the apples underdone, and I was sad. I had made it from scratch and wanted it to be perfect. I had to try again this year, despite certain family fellows whipping out a pre-made crust from a box and saying, "Merz, use this! No drama!" Thanks to a few tips from Mother Meri, like microwaving the apple mixture for about 10 minutes, ("There's no shame in that, Merzy!") and helping me gauge the thinness of the crust, this one turned out perfect (cough cough brag brag). I think this will be my usual contribution, because I really enjoyed myself. |
Jude and Ian eating Marshmallow Mateys and being hilarious on Aunt Elizabeth's/Mom's bed. |
Jude always loves a good baby monitor to play with. |
Cousins: that happy medium between friends and siblings. They could toodle around copying and egging each other on. I went to the gym every morning with Mimi taking on the duty of watching him, but each time I returned she'd report that he was happy and with Ian to play with, needed almost no help. |
A good chunk of the group; we divided up the cooking responsibilities, and everyone took their commissions very seriously. Sometimes it was hilarious trying to find counter space (I also made the most unhealthy mashed potatoes you've ever heard of, and on Wednesday just for fun I made Polar Express Hot Chocolate). It was great to have everyone there, helping each other with kids, exercising, reading, watching shows, playing on the Jexies' BOSS SLIDE in the back yard, and most/best of all, TALKING. I know Elizabeth was taking on a big load to host us all, but it made me happy to see HER so happy to have us all there. There is nothing more important than family and the heavens that make it possible for us to be together forever. And please note Cam doing his classic nerdy psycho face. |
On the way up, Jude was great. He took a nap, which is more than I can say for the ride home. I'm also going to mention we left on Saturday for the precise purpose of dodging the Vegas traffic, and it was ALREADY SLOW in parts. |
While on the trip I hit 30 weeks and had to do a tummy comparison. I mostly feel good, just SO TIRED and I think Jude is the culprit for this. SO TIRED. I feel like I apologize 20 times a day to the baby for kicks he must sustain while I hold his big brother. I had 2 big contractions today. I need to say "no" to Jude some of the times he wants me to hold him. It just needs to start happening. |
Elizabeth showed me an app that lets me fake "Bokeh". Ask me if he ate one bite of Thanksgiving dinner. He did not. He was a horrible eater the entire trip and sort of subsisted on milk, yogurt, raisins, and cereal. I think he was distracted, clingy, and tired. Traveling is hard on babies. |
Another glorious opportunity to get to know Katelyn better. We had so much fun talking, especially while I prepped the pie crust Wednesday night. She and Cameron are such newlyweds -- like don't let go of hands for 3 seconds or you might burst into flames. :) They are so sweet together. And sweet to these rugrats that came to wake them up probably a lot earlier than they were planning to wake up. |
I've been wearing top knots almost non-stop for months so the hairs on the very bottom/back of my hair line are actually all breaking. However, LIKE I'm about to start blow drying my hair on a daily basis, so I'll have to figure out a way to hide the breakage. Anyway, Sadie was wearing a top knot when we dropped by to say goodbye on Saturday morning, and I about squealed. She looked so cute and I love my top knot protege. Not pictured: Jude on my hip. |
Gush and love. Aunt Sarah time. |
He's crazy. I don't know how he lives his life at the pace and intensity he does. This was before we left Tuesday morning. Jeff always gets sick at either Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both) and so he had to run to the Minute Clinic really quickly. While he was doctoring I dug out scarves and beanies and coats that we never used. It was not THAT cold. Like 50s. The only weather surprise was the Draper WIND. I had no idea it was such a gust fest. As I pumped gas at a 7-11 on the way to the gym, I felt a little like Elizabeth Bennett in the Kiera Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice pondering her feelings on the English moors. Except instead of contemplating my feelings for Mr. Darcy, I was thinking about the pros and cons of flying v. driving to Utah. |
Not pictured:
- playing with cousins at Grandma and Grandpa Hayes'. All the pictures turned out (or didn't) with everyone looking anywhere BUT the camera.
- Bowling with McOmber cousins, aunts, and uncles at Fat Cats' the night before Thanksgiving. We couldn't stay very long because Jude was tired and acting like it. He was slightly in the dog house. I love my cousins and never get to see them -- but we'll be back at Christmas for more.
UT Friends: we didn't get to see ANY of you. Please be ready to make room for us at Christmas, because we need face time. You'll be hearing from my secretary soon (aka an email will be showing up in your inbox).
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