- Cooking. I have said before it has taken me a while to find my culinary footing, but I am getting there. When
HRH Gwyneth said "cooking is the sincerest expression of love", it actually, I have to admit, struck a chord. If I look at it purely as something I am doing to say those 3 winning words to my husband, it makes it much easier. And from there it has, at times, even been enjoyable. Usually that's when I try something tricky and it turns out the first time, or when I find a recipe with an ingredient list mostly to completely full of items I already have in the house.
- Running. Or is it more accurate to say jogging? Whichever it is, I do it 6 days a week. There are times in my past where I ranranran to lose weight but to no avail; I remained as a swarthy cherub a la Sistine Chapel. So I resented the running and dropped it. There have also been times where the efforts were fruitful, and not withstanding the large troughs of food I gobbled, the running whittled my waist. This time it's been sort of in the middle. I think it's a little bit runn(jogg)ing, a little bit not eating donuts and nachos.
ANYWAY, another bonus and motivating element is that Jude loves being outside, watching the scenery, drooling to excess, and usually I can run the distance I wish before he starts saying in a slightly distraught voice, "Momomomomomomomomomomom...."
- I have returned to the land of iPhone. I Face-Time-ed with Elizabeth yesterday morning while we fed our babies bottles. It was awesome and I remembered she naturally looks perfectly coiffed at 6:30 in the morning.
There's more, but it's 10:30 and my brain starts to shut down about now. That means blogging does too.
The Picture in Parting -- oh yes, lately we also go on at least one walk a day. |