12 January 2012

Nap Time

Which means I'm showered, wearing normal clothes, and blogging doesn't sound like a chore right now, so here am I!

We're in a good groove right now, I think.  We're just doing the day-to-day, which means jogging, gym and jogging for Jeff, cooking, tickling, picking up, putting down, zerberts, kissing, dumping out toys, putting them away, chasing rolling balls around the house, ba-bas, mushy food, reading, walks, yoga with friends, running errands, podcasts, Parks and Recreation on Hulu, among other things.

Some thoughts:

- We're about to hit our stretch of Anniversary, Jeff's bday a week later, and then 2 weeks after that, Jude's birthday (!) AND Valentine's Day, which all adds up to very fun, but expensive, and some planning is in order.  That has been on my noggin.

- I've organized a bunch of out-grown baby clothes and a few kitchen drawers (is it bad if you had 3 "junk drawers"???), and realized we have several categories of "things" that I want a separate place for, but it's a small amount or small items.  They don't need a whole drawer or shelf.  I think one of THESE in our future:

- We've cut out treats Monday to Saturday like we did in good old 2009 when we were boyfriend/girlfriend, full of sass and motivation.  By Saturday I'm near tears but I can't deny it feels good, and is helping us tighten the belts.

- Oop I hear Jude rattling his crib bars. Bye.


Sarah said...

Expedit by Ikea if I'm correct? Good choice. Just got the mini 2x2 for Shelby's room. We likey!

Alice said...

OK, so we have 3 boxes in our garage (from our 3 previous houses) labeled junk drawer and currently have 2 more drawers started in this house. I need to go through them so bad. Glad you're getting in a groove. I bet it feels good!

kentandnellie said...

Naptime really is the best. When all of those things you mentioned are accomplished it feels pretty amazing. I'm with you on organization, too. I have far too many junk drawers and spaces in general. Organization is definitely one of my goals for the new year.