15 April 2012

Cameron and Katelyn

News flash, people: My brother Cameron is marrying Katelyn!!!

They got engaged last night and really, we are so pumped.  I knew Katelyn's sister briefly at BYU and we reconnected in Huntington -- small world.  Also, Sarah and I both worked for Katelyn's brother-in-law one summer.  Crazy.  But anyway, they met independent of these connections last summer, and in August Katelyn picks up the last name I put down!  

This is a pairing of genetic marvels -- they are both lanky, athletic ones who breathe cleaner air than you or I, well-schooled in water sports, they have a high propensity for tanning, eye-catching teeth, and pretty blonde hair.  She and he are going to be lifeguards in Huntington Beach this summer, and, get ready for this cheesy awesomeness: they are going to ride their bikes to work together from Katelyn's parents' house.

I feel a tug at the heart over this wedding I didn't quite have with Elizabeth or Sarah.  Cameron is the sweetest little brother and always has been.  He quietly looks for ways to help everybody, which means when he comes over my dishes are suddenly done and/or the dishwasher is unloaded.  He's one of those no-judgments people, so everyone feels comfy.  He's hilarious and mellow and hard working.  I have seen in the past, as I'm sure you have too, nice guys like Cam get snatched up somehow by selfish minxes or girls who just don't appreciate the pot of gold he is.  This was my worry with Cameron -- that similarly to Edward Ferrars, "[Cameron] is entirely the kind of compassionate person upon whom [mean girls] can prey".  I just wanted him to end up with someone who would understand and be grateful for what he innately is.  I am so relieved and happy to say that I am 100% certain that Katelyn is that girl.  And she is a great match for him, and...ahem...just watching them make eyes at each other you know they're in love.  My protective heart is appeased, and I am looking forward to the party. :)

Congrats, you two crazy kids.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Are you saying that you are Fanny Ferrars? Did you scare away previous unworthy prospects? I think I have a Fanny in me with Kyle too. Perhaps we all have a little Fanny in us.
But, back to the subject on hand, congrats to Cam. Hope I can somehow make it out there for the festivities. What a beautiful couple. I feel so blessed to breathe the same air as them. :)