03 January 2010

"The Rio"

My cousin Margaret always called it that.

So since California actually DOES copy Utah in some ways, we now have a Cafe Rio in our midst. It's such a big hit they ran out of pork by 2pm, but I will just state for the record, SOME OTHER customer behind us in line got their pork because, of course, of this other white meat I had none. :)

When we pulled into the parking lot and I saw the signs, the marketing trucks, the obvious Mo Mos hurrying into the place, I broke out into a sweat. I suddenly felt myself vaccuumed into my 22 year old self at BYU, which included an awkward phase of the emotional sort and bad, bad, bad hair (again), and more often than not, eating too much chocolate and not running enough to burn it off. Then Jeffrey reminded me it's not 2004, and we went inside, saw no fewer than 10 people we knew in the 90 minutes we were there, and got to hang out with the Petes.

Alyson is one of my very best friends, and I'm so glad we could get together so Andrew, her main lovin man, and Jeff could meet. And so we could swap stories and chuckle heartily.

As Julia says, "Bon Appetit!"


Margaret said...

I still call it that.
I'm jealous. I love Seattle, but have yet to find good Mexican here. I still crave The Rio.

Chrissy said...

I am in the background! Ok, maybe you can't see me, but I was there! Haha

M + D said...


KatieB said...

just looking at those foil bowls makes my mouth water!

Erin said...

Fun! PS I love all your Christmas posts. Also I got back from the break and had a lovely wedding announcement waiting for me...beautiful.