remember those days when i'd blog allllllll the time?
things i've been thinking about lately:
- whether or not i should cut blunt bangs again (mine are getting to a funky length)
- why my left ankle hurts -- it has suffered no injury that i can recall
- why i am so tired lately? i am unabashedly brain dead after work, especially on wednesdays when i have class, which makes for some interesting conversations with jeffrey.
- i had been having very freakishly vivid dreams -- i would have blogged them but they were all sorts of crazy, i haven't had time, and really, what would be the point anyway? they have died down now and i sort of prefer it that way. i am usually frustrated in these dreams.
- what happened to BB Mac? margaret, i bet you know.
- back to the dreams -- i am not actually frustrated with my life, which is why the frustrated tone of my dreams perturbed me. 2009 has seen loads of things falling into place. my life's not perfect but i never wanted it to be. i just want it to be cozy. it feels cozy right now. so what's with all the stifled angst in my visions? what happened to those dreams i used to have about dinner dates with the likes of ryan gosling?
- i think about the things i want to make when i have a weekend that's not overrun by all sorts of this and that. i want to make something to hang from the hook right above my bed (shauna gave me an idear), i want to cook something from the new vegetarian cook book elizabeth gave me for my birfday, and it should be divinity puffed up.
- you might want to slaughter me for saying this but i can't WAIT for labor day. that means it's kosher to wear tights again. i love black tights -- they make everything so easy. i hate my bare legs because of my sovereign lack of coordination and the insanely visible scars on my gams. i just like tights, ok? i was bummed about summer hunkering down for a nap until i realized that's coming. it's terrific.
i am so going to the land of complete sleep now.