31 July 2009

Sarison Wedding IV: Homage to Murdy and Jim-a-Lim Eato

Shocker: My family is my favorite thing. The super stars you see below get all the credit....

If anyone thought there would be an Eaton event that didn't hear the drones of the bagpipes, they just didn't even know what was up.

This was a favorite part.  To be honest, I was three sheets past delirious at the end of the night.  Thanks to the thick heat of an Irvine July, no one slept well the night before at my house, and I was just pooped like nothing else, but knew we had, in the words of Azlan, "far to go."  When it came time to phase out the night, we started loading up the cars with the reception shiz.  With each armful I lugged to a trunk, I took great sentimental joy in the sight of Dad playing his resonator guitar with a few other Reynolds music devotees.  Dad played that down the hall while I drifted off to sleep when I was growing up, and that sound is "wind down at home" to me.  Anyway it was a sweet thing to watch those guys doing, something I imagine will continue on. 

Someone asked me at the Rehearsal Dinner which ones were my mom's sisters.  I laughed and said what she would have said, which is "OH no.  No sisters.  4 older brothers.  4 Sisters-in-LAW.  Thankfully 4 wonderful women married [her] brothers."  Are they not beauteous?

There are 3 of the 4.  I think my grandparents got a kick out of that. 

When people talk about my mom they say things like, "So come on, she has to have a flaw somewhere in there." 


J McO (change later) said...

How did I not end up in any of your photos? What the eff, David Blaine?

Jim Eaton said...

Ahhh, the sweet smell of truth.